
Thursday, April 30, 2015

Friday - Fun Day?

Hello classes!

I made an awesome video.... and then the internet was down at school before I had to leave. I will try to get that up ASAP in the morning.

The good news is, you all knew I would be gone so you know what to do!

English 11 - Vocabulary Quiz #14 and finish your notecards, put a clip or rubberband around them and place them in my green/cream basket before you leave today! If you finish early start your outline! The sample outline is available on the "Research Page"

Speech - You will be starting The Great Debaters today! Your definitions for the packet should help you better understand what is going on in the movie. There are to be NO iPads or phones out during the movie, seriously though- it is a good movie!

Everyone behave, and take some time to vote on if you think Baby Burman #2 is a Boy or Girl

Thursday, April 23, 2015

I love TouchCast.

Today is a busy day in B08, even though I won't be in the classroom 100% of the time, I know you all will be getting tons completed. Please see the videos for helpful tips for the day and I will see you all throughout the day! Remember I am next door, not out of town!

English 11:


Clearly, these snap shots are not my most attractive moment, but hey, teaching isn't pretty, especially when it is effective!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Sub Plans & TouchCast

English 11 - Enjoy a speed reading guide today via the TouchCast and finish watching An American Experience: The Scottsboro Boys documentary. Please remember to complete Worksheet #2 linked on your page.

Speech - Complete Chapter 3 Vocabulary and submit your created document on Google Classroom, I already created the assignment. Still lost? Just email me your vocabulary.  After the vocabulary you get to watch the movie! We will finish it tomorrow in class. Remember all the historical stuff we talked about.

Some of you might feel this way right now.... sorry about your luck? 

Monday, April 13, 2015

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