
Monday, February 13, 2012

In the blink of an eye.

Well these past few weeks have just flown by. The classroom has kept me busy and as always it is full of surprises. English 11 just had their first BIG blog post. I am very impressed and happy with the content knowledge and percentage of students who followed instructions.

English 11: Romanticism and Gothic Literature are the main topics lately - we have an upcoming Descriptive Essay as well as an Expository/Lit. Analysis Essay.

Speech: My favorite speech is coming up! The Demonstration Speech is under way and I love seeing all the students making things in front of the class- I learn so much too!

Parents- please be expecting phone calls home now that we have a solid grade from midterm to stand on. I plan to keep all parents in the loop, be it a good information or bad.

Swimming has come to an end (insert sad face). I can't believe that this past weekend was the end of the road until next year- where did the season go? Congradulations to Rachel Emshwiller for her outstanding performance at state! I will keep everyone up to date for the winter sports banquet.

Dance starts in full swing this week- please look at the Tiger Dance Company web page for information, calendars and music! The Jazz A group will be performing at the basketball game this Saturday against Mississinewa @ 8pm. Come support!

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